Memoir Collection

A Journey by Train and A Jubilant Boy

Last Updated: November 27, 2023

Embark on a journey by train with me during the peak of Covid-19, where I unfold a heartwarming train adventure from Delhi to Bengaluru. Together, let’s unravel tales of cheerfulness from some remarkable individuals. Are you eager to dive into the full story? Well, let’s not waste any time—let’s dive right in.

This memoir is about those days when the entire world was battling the first wave of the corona. The virus was causing devastation over the world. Perhaps no one thought in life that one would face a day when a person would be imprisoned inside the house for months. The economy collapsed due to coronavirus. Millions of people lost their jobs, and millions lost their family members.

By October, the wave of corona had moderated in Bharat (India). The means of transport had opened; people started moving from one city to another for jobs. I had to go from Delhi to Bengaluru for some work, so I booked the train ticket for the sleeper class. With the fear of coronavirus in mind, I boarded the train with extreme care.

The condition of the train was awful; there was no place to keep the foot. For a moment, I felt that I was in the general coach. Before boarding the train, I thought that everyone would take utmost care, but I was wrong. People were swinging on top of each other; some of them were not even wearing masks. I was worried to see the irresponsibility of those people. How can people be so reckless? How can someone remain ignorant even knowing everything?

Most of the passengers were going to Bengaluru in the search of a job. How desperate were they! The disappointment was visible on their face. I got an opportunity to talk to some people and found their concerns.

A co-traveler said to me, “I have decided to go to Bengaluru, but my feet are still staggering. I am going, but there is also the fear of not getting a job. Two-three months have passed with the grace of God, but now it is difficult to survive. Not having a job will create starvation.”

My heart became anguished on hearing the agony of my co-traveler. 

Suddenly, I saw a boy, about 20 years old, with a dark complexion and dressed in a pink-silk-shiny shirt. For a moment, I thought that he was in a marriage, not on the journey. My condition was getting worse due to the hot winds, but I was astonished to see him. Even in the hot, he was wearing a leather jacket.

If anyone was happy on that train, it was only he, and that’s why I named him Hanshmukh (A Jubilant person). He was also going to Bengaluru in search of work. People’s faces were despondent; everyone was worried about the job. In contrast, there was no trace of worry on the head of Hanshmukh. He was smiling at everything and made others laugh at his words and actions.

“Few people in the world are cheerful and do not falter even in adversity. Their deeds deliver the message to live life happily.”

Works Cited

1. Attribution to the featured image for this post: Avidha Raha. A Train Passing through a tunnel. Pixahive, 23 Sep. 2020, Accessed 27 Nov. 2023.

Preeti Bhandari

Hello, I’m Preeti Bhandari from Bharat (India). Welcome to my web space, where captivating stories, heartfelt memoirs, insightful book reviews, and various miscellaneous articles await you. Embark on this literary journey with me and discover the diverse tapestry of stories waiting to be unveiled.

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